La Baie Divoilee
Original by Hervé Lenouvel
- Original Artwork
- Framed size: 82 x 82 x 10 cm
- Image size: 80 x 80 x 10 cm
Original by Hervé Lenouvel
Born in 1960 in Brittany, Hervé Lenouvel spent his childhood in the countryside, near the forest of Brocéliande. Coming from a rural background, he became interested in drawing, then in painting at a very early age and established a very close, almost spiritual relationship with nature, which has remained his main source of inspiration since then. Self-taught, Hervé devoured books on different techniques and tried several types of painting such as watercolour and gouache before finally settling on oil paint, whose viscosity offered him a sensuality that he would not find in any other medium. At the beginning of his…
Find out more about Hervé Lenouvel